We aim to be industry leaders in sustainability, adding value for our team members, clients, shareholders, and society at large. We are carrying out an organized plan that takes into account all ESG factors.



We have incorporated sustainability into every facet of our operations. By 2030 at the latest, we hope to achieve net zero while also significantly increasing our share of sustainable revenues. While generating value for our workers, clients, shareholders, and society as a whole, we work to have a positive impact on local communities.

Implementing technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from vessels, such as using low-sulfur fuels, adopting exhaust gas cleaning systems (scrubbers), and investing in alternative fuels like LNG or biofuels.

Environmental Impact Reduction

Investing in advanced technology and training to prevent oil spills and responding effectively in case of emergencies. Committing to transparent reporting on sustainability performance, including environmental, social, and governance (ESG) metrics.

Our terminal operators prioritize safety measures and compliance with environmental regulations to mitigate risks associated with oil handling, storage, and transportation. spill prevention measures, and emergency response plans are in place to safeguard personnel, assets, and the environment.

Our Goals

Our ESG Ambition

Carbon Neutrality

Achieving carbon neutrality by 2030 involves a comprehensive strategy focusing on reducing greenhouse gas emissions across all operations and supply chains.

Carbon Neutrality

This initiative not only aligns with global climate goals but also enhances brand reputation and operational efficiency through investments in renewable energy sources, energy efficiency measures, and carbon offsetting initiatives.

Diversity Commitment

A robust commitment to diversity and inclusion aims to foster a workplace culture that values and respects differences among employees.

Diversity Commitment

Implementing inclusive hiring practices, providing diversity training, and setting measurable goals for gender parity and representation can enhance innovation, employee satisfaction, and overall organizational performance.

Community Impact

Engaging with communities through strategic investments in education, healthcare, and economic development initiatives demonstrates corporate responsibility and enhances stakeholder relationships.

Community Impact

By partnering with local NGOs and addressing community needs, companies can create sustainable social impact while strengthening their brand reputation.

Sustainable Sourcing

Promoting sustainable sourcing practices involves setting rigorous sustainability criteria for suppliers, conducting regular audits, and providing capacity-building support.

Sustainable Sourcing

By prioritizing ethical sourcing and reducing environmental impact throughout the supply chain, companies can mitigate risks, improve product quality, and meet consumer demand for sustainable products.

Water and Waste Management

Setting ambitious water and waste management goals can drive operational efficiencies and environmental stewardship.

Water and Waste Management

By reducing water consumption, implementing recycling programs, and achieving zero-waste-to-landfill certification, companies can minimize resource use, lower costs, and demonstrate environmental leadership.

Governance and Ethics Standards

Implementing strong governance and ethics standards involves establishing a diverse and independent board, adopting anti-corruption policies, and conducting regular governance audits. These practices promote ethical behavior, ensure compliance with laws and regulations, and mitigate risks associated with corporate governance failures.

Health and Safety

At An Holding B.V, the health and safety of our employees, contractors, and the surrounding community are paramount. We are committed to maintaining the highest standards of health and safety in all aspects of our operations. We prioritize the wellbeing of our employees and strive to provide a safe and healthy work environment for all.